European Conference EATG/GAT - 07-08 of June 2007
Day 1 - Thursday 7th June
14:30-15:30 Registration and General Information
15:30-16:30 Opening Session
Chairs: Paulo Ferrinho - Vice President of IHMT • Wim Vandevelde - Chair of EATG and GAT • Nikos Dedes of EATG
• Welcome note
• Performance: Safe Sex Comedy Show
16:30-18:30 Plenary I: Migrants rights to HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment & care
Chair: Luís Mendão - EATG/GAT
• Overview - Introduction, data, scale of the problem, open questions & challenges
• Obstacles to acess of treatment, prevention and care for migrant populations
18:30-19:00 Introduction, distribution of discussion papers and selection of working groups, Closing
19:00 Welcome Dinner (Tropical Garden)
Day 2 - Friday 8th June
9:00-10:00 Plenary II: Migrants and ethnic minorities in Europe: The community perspective
Chair: Peter Wiessner - EATG
• Benefits and cost-effectiveness of the inclusion of migrants in European public health services
• Migrants, ethnic minorities, drug use and HIV
• Health, medicine and migrant populations: where do we come from, where are we headed?
• Health, sexual and reproductive rights in a multicultural context
10:30 Coffee break
11:00-13:00 Break-out sessions: The community perspective
• Trafficked women and migrant sex workers
• Undocumented migrants
• Sinti and Roma
• Black Diaspora
• Russian speaking communities outside Russia (the invisible migrants)
• Migrant populations behind prison bars
13:00-14:30 Lunch
14:30-16:00 Plenary III: Migrants realities and recommendations
Chair: Raminta Stuikyte - CEEHRN/EATG
• Reports from the breakout sessions: Community perspective and recommendations
• Performance: Safe Sex Comedy Show Amsterdam
16:00-16:30 Coffee break
16:30-18:00 Roundtable: Political commitement towards migrant populations and ethnic groups?
Chair: Pedro Silvério Marques - GAT/EATG
18:00 Conclusions, closing remarks, recommendations
Speaker: Georg Bröring - Senior advisor on migration and HIV/AIDS
• Performances: Safe Sex Comedy Show Amsterdam
19:30 End