I Conferência PREVIH
Day 1
09:30 - Opening Session
Chair: Paulo Ferrinho (Director of Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical-UNL)
Manuel Pizarro (Secretary of State and Health, Portuguese Government)
Bernardino Soares (Chair of HIV/AIDS Group, Portuguese Parliament)
Henrique Barros (National Coordinator for the HIV Infection)
Sónia Dias (Professor at Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical-UNL, Project PREVIH Coordinator)
Luís Mendão (President of GAT, Co-Chair EUCivil Society Forum HIV/AIDS)
Miguel Vale de Almeida (Professor at ISCTE-IUL)
10:00 - Panel I: Evidence for policy guidance: MSM and CSW in Portugal
Chair: Massimo Mirandola (Head of Regional Centre for Health Promotion, Verona)
Co-chair: Carla Moleiro (Professor at ISCTE-IUL)
Sónia Dias (Professor at IHMT, PREVIH Project Coordinator – Overview of Portuguese Study conducted among MSM and CSW)
"Presentation of the main findings on CSW"
Ricardo Rosa (Researcher at ADMT)
"Presentation of the main findings on MSM"
Luís Mendão (GAT)
"Translation knowledge into practice and policy"
11:15 - Coffee break
11:45 - Panel II: Overview of International Research: Best practices of research methods, main challenges and project findings
Chair: Manuel Gonçalves (ViiV Healthcare)
Co-chair: Nuno Lunet (Professor at Faculdade de Medicina da UP e ISPUP)
Massimo Mirandola (Coordinator of SIALON Project, Head of Regional Center for Health Promotion, Verona)
Axel J. Schmidt (Scientific Coordinator of EMIS Project, Robert Koch Institute)
Percy Fernández (Dávila Researcher on Social Studies about HIV/STI among MSM – CEEISCAT Epidemiological Studies of Catalonia)
Andres Bedoya (Instructor at Harvard Medical School)
13:00 - Lunch Break
14:00 - Panel III: Overview of international guidance and policies on surveillance, prevention, testing and M&E on most vulnerable groups (MSM & CSW)
Chair: Jorge Torgal (Professor at Faculdade Ciências Médicas, UNL)
Co-chair: Wim Vandevelde (EATG, Chair of European Community Advisory Board)
Antonio Gerbase (Department of HIV/AIDS, WHO)
Mauricio Cysne (Chief of the Global Outreach Office, UNAIDS)
Matthew Mimiaga (Professor at Harvard Medical School)
15:15 - Coffee Break
15:30 - Panel IV: MSM & CSW, comprehensive strategies for HIV/STI prevention, testing and access to health services
Chair: Maria José Campos (MD at CHLO)
Co-chair: Ricardo Fernandes (Vice-president of GAT)
Wim Vandevelde (EATG, Chair of European Community Advisory Board on HIV/AIDS)
Licia Brussa (General Coordinator, TAMPEP Network)
José Queiróz (European Correlation Project, General Coordinator of APDES)
Dirk Sander (MSM Prevention,Deutsche AIDS Hilfe)
17:00 - Closing remarks from day 1
Henriqe Barros (National Coordinator for HIV Infection)
Day 2
09:00 - Working group I: Comprehensive strategies for HIV prevention, diagnosis and access to health services among MSM
Chair: Pedro Silvério Marques (Director of Centro Anti-Discriminação VIH/SIDA)
Rapporteur: Ricardo Fuertes (GAT)
Working group II: Comprehensive strategies for HIV prevention, diagnosis and access to health services among CSW
Chair: Ricardo Fernandes (Vice-President of GAT)
Rapporteur: Alexandra Oliveira - (Professor at FPCE-UL)
10h30 - Coffee Break
11h00 - Presentation of working groups discussions and conclusions